Section 1- The name of the organization is Japanese Division of the International Academy of Pathology (JDIAP). The Academy was established in November 1958 when Dr. Bidford, the president of the International Academy of Pathology, visited Japan and requested the establishment of a Japanese Division by Dr. Tomizo Yoshida, General Secretary of the Japanese Society of Pathology. It was established on April 1, 1961 with the participation of 40 councilors of the Japanese Society of Pathology.
- Purpose -
Section 2- The primary purpose for which the Division is established is to conduct the operations of the International Academy of Pathology, to develop the pathology activity, and to promote the pathology education.
- Business -
Section 3- The Division carry on the following business.
1) Scientific meetings and seminars.
2) Publication of News Bulletins and intercommunication of members.
3) Communication with the International Academy of Pathology, central, and other country divisions.
4) Other necessary business.
ARTICLE III - Location of the Secretariat and the Society
Section 4- The administrative office is located at the institution of the Secretary/Treasurer. Another administrative office can be settled when necessary.
In addition, regarding the location of the Academy, it will be located at the Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Kokusai Bunkensha (International Academy of Pathology Japan Division Secretariat), which entrusts the secretariat work.
- Organization -
Section 5- Membership definition and categories.
1) Regular members: Individuals who approve of the purpose of this Academy.
2) Sustaining members: Individuals or groups who approve of the purpose of this Academy and sustain the business of this Academy.
3) Honorary members: Individuals who have meritorious achievement for the Academy, and who are approved by the general meeting.
4) Senior (life) members: Individuals who have long time achievement for the Academy, who have paid life membership fees, and who are approved by the general meeting.
5) Junior (young) members: Individuals who have not yet been certified pathologists and who approve of the purpose of this Academy.
- Admission and Withdrawal -
Section 6-
1) Regular members who have doctor degrees in medicine and have experience in pathology can be admitted to the Academy by the recommendation of the member.
2) If the members do not pay the membership fee continuously three years, and do not respond to the reminder, they are recognized to withdraw from the Academy.
- Organization -
Section 7- The Executive officers of the Academy shall be a President, Immediate Past-President, President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer. The Board consists of the Executive officers, several Councilors and the Auditor.
- Election -
Section 8- President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, Councilors and Auditor shall be approved by the general meeting. The Board can nominate the candidates of Councilors and Auditor. The President can nominate the President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer, and they shall be approved by the Board. The precise details and related matter of the election of the Councilors are defined in other part.
- Term -
Section 9- The Executive officers, Councilors and Auditor serve three-year terms. One-thirds of the Councilors shall be relieved annually. The Executive officers, Councilors and Auditor shall not serve as both officers, but the Secretary-Treasurer can do it.
- Duties -
Section 10- The duties of each officers are as follows:
1) The President is the chief officer of the Academy and shall preside over all meetings of the Board, membership of the Academy, and Executive Board. He shall be a chairperson of the Board and shall call at least one general meeting annually.
2) The President-Elect shall, in the absence of the President or in the event of the President’s inability or refusal to act, perform the duties of the President.
3) The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep in books belonging to the Academy the permanent minutes of the meetings of the Board, the Executive Committee and membership. He also shall have charge of and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Academy. He shall also communicate with the central IAP Office.
4) The Councilors shall discuss the matters of the Academy as a member of the Board.。
Section 11- The President can set up various necessary committees.
- Expenses -
Section 12- The financial report including the budget and the settlement of accounts, shall be approved by the general meeting after the accounts are examined by the Auditor. The income mainly consist of membership dues and donation. The expenditure includes the annual dues to the central IAP office.
- Membership Dues -
Section 13- Membership dues
1) The members must pay annual membership dues by the end of every January. The membership dues shall be determined by the general meeting.
2) Honorary members do not need to pay the membership dues.
- Fiscal year -
Section 14- The fiscal year begins on January 1st annually.
Section 15- Amendments to these Bylaws must be approved by the general meeting.
The detailed regulations was put in practice on November 9th, 1996. Admission and Withdrawal - Section 6 was amended by the general meeting on November 22nd, 2003. Section 5- Membership definition and categories and Section 13- Membership dues were amended by the general meeting on November 27th, 2010.
― Composition ― Added the background and date of establishment in Article 1, and ― Composition ― Changed the description of the office and secretariat and described the location of the Association in Article 4 Dec. 2022 Revised at the 62nd general meeting from December 5 to 12.
The Detailed Regulations of Election of Councilors
1. How to nominate
The Nomination Committee shall list up the candidates for Councilors after gathering the nomination by the regular members, consider who are adequate for Councilors from various aspects such as contribution to the Academy, pathology activity and social background, and choose two more candidates. The election is carried on after a slate of names of candidates with a brief comment of occupation, position, contribution to the Academy and et al. will be sent the regular member of the Academy.
2. Organization
The Nomination Committee consist of the two Immediate Past-Presidents and three past-councilors. The Immediate Past-President shall serve as the Chair of the Nominating Committee.
3. Approvement
The results of the election shall be approved by the Board and be reported to the general meeting.
The Detailed Regulations of Honorary Members p>
1. Requirement
Individuals whose age are over 65 years old and who have meritorious achievement for the Academy, and who are approved by the general meeting.
2. Privilege and Duties:
1) No payment of the membership dues
2) Communication from the Office, such as News Bulletins
3) Possible to attend the general meeting, Board, and educational seminar
4) Possible to serve as officers
5) Advices to the Board and Executive Officers
6) Loss of voting duty
The Detailed Regulations of Senior (Life) Members
1. Requirement
Individuals whose age are over 65 years old, who have long achievement for the Academy (over 20 years of membership), and who have paid life membership fees.
2. Privilege and Duties:
1) No payment of the membership dues
2) Communication from the Office, such as News Bulletins
3) Possible to attend the general meeting and educational seminar. Advices to the Board and Executive Officers.
4) Loss of voting duty
The Detailed Regulations of Junior (Young) Members
1. Requirement
Individuals who have not yet been certified pathologists.
2. Privilege and Duties:
1) Membership dues and registration fees to the symposium and slide seminars are cheaper than those of regular members.
2) Communication from the Office, such as News Bulletins.