The International Academy of Pathology Japanese DivisionThe International Academy of Pathology Japanese Division
The International Academy of Pathology Japanese Division




International Academy of Japanese Division of International Academy of Pathology (JDIAP) was established in 1961, joined by 40 Japanese pathologists, to conduct the operations of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP) and to promote the objectives of the IAP in Japan. The JDIAP has flourished under a succession of committed Presidents, officers and a growing membership. The full member of the JDIAP is now over six hundreds.
The JDIAP has honor of having its Past Presidents, Dr S. Ushigome (1998-2000) as International President (Brisbane, 2004) and Dr R. Y. Osamura (2001-2014) and Dr. O Matsubara (2014- )as a Vice President of the IAP. In 2000, the JDIAP hosted the International Congress of the IAP in Nagoya. The JDIAP also has hold regular joint Slide Conferences with Korean Division and Taiwan Division.


The objectives of the JDIAP is to conduct the operations of the IAP and to promote its objectives in the Division.


1. Slide seminars and symposia
2. Publication: News Bulletins, published quarterly a year
3. International corporation with the IAP and other Divisions
4. Activities oriented to the objectives

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copyright(c) The Japanese Division of the International Academy of Pathology